Why you shouldn’t wait to set up your Facebook instant replies

Facebook Instant Replies is a fantastic function that you should use, providing automatic responses and saving time all in just few clicks.

Why should you use Facebook instant replies :

Online shoppers just love going on Facebook to contact merchants about orders or something else, for this Instant Replies would be a terrific tool to meet their expectations and enhance your responsiveness :

  • A quick answer to acknowledge the receipt of communication.. Short and friendly.
  • In some cases, monitoring your page would take less time when your automatic answer provides some needed details and information directly.
  • You may promote your new offers.
  • Remaining responsive in a way without being constantly online.
  • A well-written reply would enhance the overall experience.

How to start using in just few clicks  :

Actually it is pretty simple, it would only take a couple of minutes
First you go to your Facebook page then click on “Settings” as shown below


Then you click on “Messaging” tab in the left menu


After that you scroll down to turn on “Response Assistant”


Then you can add personalization where you will have the ability to choose one from 5 options as below


Furthermore, nowadays, customer support is being taking over by chat-bots that are making the buzz.. how far do you think technology would replace the human.. would you feel comfortable while chatting with robots ?

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